Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim :========================================: History of Deoband The day of Thursday, 15th Muharram, A.H. 1283 (May 30, 1866), was the foundation in the land of Deoband. Seeing the simple and ordinary manner in which it had been started, it was difficult to visualize and decide that a Madrasah beginning so humbly, with utter lack of equipment's, was destined to become the center, within a couple of years, of the Islamic sciences in Asia. Today's Deoband "Darul uloom Deoband" is the biggest Islamic Education Institute(Madrasah) in India. The Darul-Uloom, Deoband, is today a renowned religious and academic center in the Islamic world. In the sub-continent it is the largest institution for the dissemination and propagation of Islam and the biggest headspring of education in the Islamic sciences. Such accomplished scholars have come out from the Darul Uloom in every period that they, in accordan...
পবিত্র সাইয়্যিদুল আ’ইয়াদ শরীফ উনার সুমহান সম্মানার্থে