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- Jihad(war) space, Uhud Pahar(Mountain), Masque, Sunnaty thing etc...
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- Mubarak Objects which was used by the Prophet Noore Muzassam Habibullah Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe'Wasallam.
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To get individual photo of things click here: http://www.ahkamuzzakat.com/galleryOne.php
If you want to collect Sunnaty- Korta (Dress), Tupi (Cap), Nalaeyn (Sandle), Khaat/Choki(Bed), Plate etc, these are availabe on Rajabag Shareef. Address:-
5, Outer Circular Road, Rajarbag,
Dhaka 1217, Bangladesh.
If you need help- Email: ibsohel05@yahoo.com
একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন