সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান

First Day of New Year is not Significant-full but Ashura is a Special Day for All

According to Islam, there are no special blessings or prosperity in taking good food on the days of first Muharram, first Boishakh or first of January. In fact, for Muslims, the day to consume better meals is the 10th of Muharram, popularly known as the Day of Ashura.

Prime Point of Allah’s attention, Imam and Mujtahid of the age, Imamul Aimmah, Kutubul A’alam, Awladur Rwasool, Habeebullah, Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee of Rajarbagh Darbar Shareef says, “Hadis Shareef has the reference that Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Commented, “If someone would arrange better meals and attires for his family members on the occasion of Ashura, Allah shall award him a solvency for the next one year. (Twabarani Shareef) Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “There is a story in this regard. One poor and wise guy could not go to work for three days owing to physical illness at one occasion. The fourth day was the Day of Ashura and he was aware of the blessings of having good food on that day while he lacked sufficient money for the purpose. It was the age of the Kazis (judges) and his respective Kazi was a well off person whom he approached. Explaining the blessings of the Day of Ashura, his days off owing to sickness and the starving condition of his family, he asked for ten kilos of flour, ten kilos of meat and two dirham in cash as ‘Hadia’ (donation) or as loan from the Kazi. He was asked to come during the Zuhr time (time for afternoon prayers). At that time, Kazi told him to come during Asr (late afternoon prayers) time. Then at Asr, he asked him to come during Maghrib (evening prayers) time and at Maghrib, told to come during ‘Isha (late evening prayers) time, while finally he said ‘no’ to him on his face. Then the poor Wiseman reacted, ‘O Mister Kazi! If you would not give me, you could have told me earlier, so I could resort to other means. But now that the whole day and the evening is gone and keeping me waiting for all these hours, you are telling ‘no’ to me at this moment!’ Kazi did not pay any heed to his words, shut his doors and headed in. Severely shocked, the man started back for his home, weeping. On way, there was a residence of a christian man. Finding an old man crying like this, he got curious and asked him the reasons. Since he was a christian, the old man avoided him initially. But on continuous insistence, he opened up and explained the significance of the day of Ashura and that of his own present conditions. Listening all, the christian man, in honour of the Day of Ashura, took the initiative of handing him over those 10 kilos of flour, 10 kilos of meat, two dirham in cash and more twenty dirham in addition. He also assured the poor man, ‘In honour of the Day of Ashura, I am going to make an equal amount of Hadia each month for you from next onward.’ The old man carried the stuff home, prepared food and took them happily along with his family and children. Then he did Dua (prayed) to Allah, ‘O Allah Pak! One who satisfied me, made my children smile, please make his soul happy and have him satisfied as well.’ That night, the Kazi dreamt that he was being told to raise his head. He raised his head and saw two Balakhana(chambers of Heaven for amusement); one is of gold and the other silver. Kazi murmured, ‘O Allah Pak! What is it?’ There came a sound from unseen sources, ‘These two chambers were yours. But no more now. Because you did not help that poor Wiseman who came to you for help on Ashura. That is why these two chambers now belong to that so and so christian person.’ The Kazi woke up then. He rose, took ablutions, finished his salat (prayers) and headed for the residence of that christian man who was utterly surprised seeing the Kazi at this early hours at his doorsteps. Being neighbours, he never saw Kazi visiting him since his birth. The christian man inquired, ‘What is it so early, Sir?’ Replied Kazi, ‘O christian man! Did you do any virtuous job last night?’ The man replied, ‘I don’t exactly remember that I did anything remarkable. But if you would know, please tell me.’ Then the Kazi went on, ‘On the occasion of the Day of Ashura, you made Hadia to a poor Wiseman last night of some 10 kilos of flour, 10 kilos of meat, two dirham in cash with another twenty dirham in addition and promised him of doing similar hadia each month next, didn’t you?’ The christian man nodded in agreement. Kazi then offered him, ‘Please sell that virtuous job of yours to me in exchange of one hundred thousand dirham and I shall pay him the Hadia you promised him for the next months as well.’ The christian man was curious, ‘Mister Kazi! You need to tell me exactly why should you make such huge deal for that petty Hadia I made?’ Then the Kazi came up with the stories of his last night’s dreams. He narrated, ‘That poor Wiseman came to me for help on the occasion of Ashura but I didn’t help him. As a result, two Chambers of Heaven of gold and silver were shown to me, saying, they were mine but for my follies of not helping that poor old man, no more belonged to me; they now belonged to so and so christian man.’ The Kazi told him, ‘You are a christian. You will not get those Balakhana. After the advent of Islam, all previous religions have been invalidated. Therefore, those who still stick to those shall be devoid of the jannat (heaven).’ The christian man inquired, ‘What if I convert to Islam? Should I get those Balakhana then?’ ‘Yes, in that case, you can’- was the Kazi’s answer. Then the christian man came up, ‘Mister Kazi! Be a witness here. I am just reciting the Kalima Shareef and converting to Islam right now! (Subhan Allah!) Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Now it is a point to ponder that for honouring the month of Muharram, particularly the Day of Ashura, Allah gifted that christian with Imaan (Belief) and even granted him jannat ((Subhan Allah!). That’s why there are distinct blessings and prosperity in taking better meals on the Day of Ashura.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Hazrat Imaam Abu Hafs Qabir Rahmatullahi Alaihi, a very special Wali of Allah Pak remarks, ‘anyone donating even an egg on the occasion of celebrating a new year’s day shall be devoid of 50 years of his a’amal (religious practices). That means that he shall be deprived of the good practices of his whole lifetime owing to the celebration of new year’s day.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Therefore, it is Fard for every Muslim man and woman to keep away from the practices and rituals of the kaafirs, mushriqs, infidels and members of other races.”


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

*Coca-cola is Haram for Muslim

Because Coca-Cola and Other Soft Drinks may Contain ALCOHOL. Read Details here:~~~~ COCA-COLA: THE REAL THINGS? The proportions in the accompanying recipe are based on the analyses of Coke quoted above and Merory's recipes. The amount of caffeine agrees with that stated in Coca-Cola's So you asked about soft drinks... pamphlet; this is about a third of the caffeine found in the trial analyses. The following recipe produces a gallon of syrup very similar to Coca-Cola's. Mix 2,400 grams of sugar with just enough water to dissolve (high-fructose corn syrup may be substituted for half the sugar). Add 36 grams of caramel, 3.1 grams of caffeine, and 11 grams of phosphoric acid. Extract the cocaine from 1.1 grams of coca leaf ( Truxillo growth of coca preferred) with toluol; discard the cocaine extract. Soak the coca leaves and kola nuts (both finely powdered; 0.37 gram of kola nuts) in 22 grams of 20 percent alcohol. California white wine fortified to 20 percent strengt...


THE AQEEDA OF THE TABLEEGHI JAMAAT AND DEOBAND—EXPOSED!!! ===================================================== To have good and strong Imaan, one must have the proper Aqeeda. It is for this reason that we quote a few un-Islamic beliefs of the leaders of the Tableeghi Jamaat together with the proper Islamic answers. The present Molvis and devotees of the T. Jamaat refuse to condemn the persons who wrote such bad beliefs and to even disassociate themselves from such false beliefs. The un-Islamic beliefs which we have quoted below are quotations from those individuals who possess such beliefs and by writing them in this handbill, we have no intention of Kufr. FALSE BELIEF 1: “Allah can speak lies“. (“Barahine Qaatia” by Khaleel Ambetwi; “Yakrozi” by Ismaeel Dehlwi; “Fatawa Rasheedia” by Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi). NAUZ BILLAH ANSWER: Lies is a defect which is not worthy of the Zaat of Almighty Allah and is totally Muhaal (Impossible) for Almighty Allah. Allah is free from all shortages a...

প্রচলিত তাবলীগ জামায়াতের ভ্রান্ত আক্বীদা ও তার খন্ডন মূলক দাঁতভাঙ্গা জবাব

সম্মানিত পাঠক! প্রচলিত ৬ উছূলভিত্তিক তাবলীগ জামায়াতের বাস্তবতা সম্পর্কে যদি সত্যিই জানতে আগ্রহী হন তবে দলিল ভিত্তিক এই প্রতিবেদনটি পড়ুন। ========================================================== ভ্রান্ত আক্বীদা (১)   প্রচলিত ৬ উছূলভিত্তিক তাবলীগ জামায়াতের লোকদের লিখিত কিতাবে এ কথা উল্লেখ আছে যে, মূর্খ হোক, আলিম হোক, ধনী হোক, দরিদ্র হোক, সকল পেশার সকল মুসলমানের জন্য তাবলীগ করা ফরজে আইন। (হযরতজীর মালফুজাত-৪, পৃষ্ঠা-৭, অনুবাদক- মাওলানা ছাখাওয়াত উল্লাহ; তাবলীগ গোটা উম্মতের গুরু দায়িত্ব, পৃষ্ঠা-৫৬, অনুবাদক- ইসমাঈল হোসেন; তাবলীগে ইসলাম, পৃষ্ঠা-৩, লেখক- মাওলানা আব্দুস সাত্তার ত্রিশালী; পস্তী কা ওয়াহিদ এলাজ, লেখক- মাওলানা এহ্‌তেশামুল হাসান কান্দলবী, পৃষ্ঠা-২২) ——————————————————————————— জবাব : তাদের উপরোক্ত বক্তব্যের প্রেক্ষিতে প্রশ্ন জাগে, তাবলীগ করা কি- ফরজে আইন নাকি ফরজে কিফায়া? কেননা- যে ইবাদত প্রত্যেকের জন্য আলাদাভাবে পালন করা ফরজ তা  ফরজে আইন । যেমন- নামাজ, রোজা, ইত্যাদি। আর যে ইবাদত সমষ্টিগতভাবে পালন করা ফরজ অর্থাৎ যে ফরজ কাজ দেশবাসী, শহরবাসী,এলাকাবাসী ব...