Noor-i-Mujassam, Habeebullah, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Dictated, “You deviate from whatever the jews, christians, fire-worshippers and the mushriqs do”. It is totally haraam to go hijab-less, do shamelessness, nudity, over exposures and behave drunk in the name of celebrating pohela Boishakh or the (so-called) new year’s day. Bangla new year, English new year or that of the Arabic new year are all the customs and rituals of the jews, christians, fire-worshippers and mushriqs; refraining from the celebration of which is a Fard –Wajib for all the Muslims.
Prime Point of Allah’s attention, Imam and Mujtahid of the age, Imamul Aimmah, Kutubul A’alam, Awladur Rwasool, Habeebullah, Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee of Rajarbagh Darbar Shareef says, “It is totally haraam to go hijab-less, do shamelessness, nudity, over exposures and behave drunk in the name of celebrating pohela Boishakh. According to Islam, celebration of any kind of new year’s day is haraam and bid’at.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee made those remarks at Rajarbagh Darbar Shareef recently as a reaction to the upcoming so-called celebrations of pohela boishakh and the related shamelessness and over-exposures on that occasion.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “The observance of pohela boishakh is never related with Islam. Muslims are not to observe it. According to historical data, this culture of celebrating pohela boishakh had originated from the hindus. Also that the Bangla Year or the pohela boishakh is not introduced by one Bengali either. Emperor Akbar did it for ‘harvesting’ purpose. Akbar originated from Mongolia and spoke Persian. How can then be this pohela boishakh a truly Bengali event? Therefore, as it is not appropriate for the Bengalis to observe, similarly it is haraam for the Muslims to celebrate.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Generally, King Jamshid of ancient Persia pioneered the celebration of ‘Nawroje’, the new year’s day, some 800 years B.C. in his country. This Nawroje is still observed as a traditional festival of new year’s day in today’s Iran as part of their national festival. From Iran, this culture fanned out, entering into different Middle Eastern Muslim countries including the Indian sub-continent.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “The feast and fair that take place in the rural areas and towns on the occasion of pohela boishakh or Bengali New Year’s Day is also an indirect impact of that Iranian culture of ‘Nawroje’. In the pre-Mughal era, there was no practice of celebrating pohela boishakh here.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Bangla new years’ day is a day of exclusive hindu rituals. The day preceding it is their ‘Chaitro Sangkranti’ and the next day, pohela boishakh is the day for their ‘Ghot Puja’.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Hazrat Imaam Abu Hafs Qabir Rahmatullahi Alaihi remarks, ‘anyone donating even an egg on the occasion of celebrating a new year’s day shall be devoid of 50 years of his a’amal (religious practices). That means that he shall be deprived of the good practices of his whole lifetime owing to the celebration of new year’s day.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “These days, many Muslims are observing various new year’s days including this Bangla new year’s day. Through this, they are only displaying their accords with the infidels and members of other races. They are bringing in that they are the followers of those.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “It is there in Kalamullah Shareef that, ‘Certainly, the kaafirs are the worst of the creatures to Allah Pak, those who did not submit’ (Sura Anfaal-55). By observing new year’s day, those very kaafirs are being followed.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, ‘Hadis Shareef has the reference which has been quoted from Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Omar RwadiAllahu Ta’ala Anhu, who said, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Declared, “One who keeps in touch with certain community, becomes a member of that community and that his ‘Hashr-Nashr’ (disposals) shall also take place along with that community”. (Sunane Ahmad, Sunane Abu Daud) . Mujaddidu A’azam, Imamul Aimmah, Muhyus-Sunnah, Kutubul A’alam, Awladur-Rwasool, Saiyeeduna, Imam of Rajarbagh Shareef Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee said, “Certain so called Islamic dailies, the spokesman of the present day ulamaye soo and the rajakars are preaching in favour of celebrating Bangla new year’s day, claiming it to be a day of Niy'amah (blessings) from Allah Pak. But virtually, these are all kufri acts.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Those ulamaye soo, the religion–mongers, are distracting the common people. They are the ones who are actually alluring the people towards ‘be-shora’ (anti- Shariat) and bid'at (bad innovations).” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says that Allah Pak Dictated in Sura Maida, Ayat Shareef number 2 that, “You help one another in righteousness and piety, but help not one another in sin and rancour. Fear Allah for Allah is strict in punishment.” Mujaddidu A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “So long the ulamaye soo, those religion–mongers are not eliminated or uprooted, the A’amal of the Muslims is not safe. Religion-mongers are the worst of the creatures. The Muslims will regain their Islamic consciousness and Aqida only when they get rid of these people. Only then, their A’amal will get islah (purified). They will get free of the Haraam A’amal and its consequences like 1st January and 1st Boishakh.”
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