Fundamentalism, barbarism, terrorism are completely nazayeez (not allowed), ‘Haraam (prohibited) and absolutely Kufri. And proclaiming Muslims as fundamentalist, not addressing as Muslim, is also completely nazayeez and ‘haraam in view of Shariat.
It will never be allowed in Shariat to address Muslims as fundamentalist or for any Muslim to proclaim himself as fundamentalist. Because, those, who followed the way of
extremism superstitiously without any logic and rectification about the perfection of every topic stated in Bible and its literal meaning, are the fundamentalist. The ‘fundamentalism’ is their Shiar or sign or indicator. And those fundamentalists are the godfather or prime monger of barbarism, terrorism which is not acceptable in Islam.
On behalf of any Muslim, it is not allowed in the view of Shariat to express proud or to feel proud by proclaiming myself as a fundamentalist. Despite this, if any infidel or atheist addresses Muslims as fundamentalist, barbarist and terrorist, it will also be treated as abusive act in the view of Shariat.
Those who proclaim himself as fundamentalist or place the condition of being the believer in fundamentalism are really busy to create a new sect, doctrine and path. Similar to Mirja Gulam Kadiani introducing Muslims as Kadiani not introducing as Muslim, the fundamentalists are also busy in introducing Muslim as fundamentalist, not introducing as Muslim which is completely opposite to Quran-Sunnah. Rwasool of Allah Pak, Noor-e-Mujassam, Huzur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam says, “He, who calls on people to any man made dogma, doesn’t belong to us.
The history reveals that in the lifespan of Mirja gulam Kadiani, when he thought that his party had been got established, then he declared that the man who will not believe in the Kadiani dogma and won’t use the word ‘Kadiani’ after the name during the “Adam Shumari” (Statistics), is Kaafir (Na’woozubillah).” He also announced that it is najayeez and ‘haraam for the people who believe in Kadiani dogma and use the word ‘Kadiani’ after their name, to maintain the relation like marriage, relation of relatives, having food, movement with those people who will not believe in the Kadiani dogma and won’t use the word ‘Kadiani’ after their name though they are Muslim. (Na’woozubillah). Just like that, when the fundamentalists thought that their party was established, they also declared like the Kadiani that- if a man won’t be a fundamentalist even after being a Muslim, would be a bastard, Kaafir, Mushrik (polytheist) and murtad (religious outcast). (Na’woozubillah)
It has not been mentioned in anywhere of the ‘Islami Usul’ that if a Muslim is not a believer of fundamentalism then he would be an illegitimate son even after being a Muslim and legitimate child. Those who proclaim individually and collectively that disbelieving in fundamentalism and denying to claim himself as fundamentalist are the reason of being an illegitimate son, it is their obligation to place four witnesses for proving illegitimate son and if they can’t place four witnesses, the order of the following Ayat Shareef will be applied upon them. Allah Pak says, “those people who ill-repute upon the independent ladies; after that they cannot place four witnesses, then beat them eighty ‘Dorra’ (with stick made of twisted thongs) as well as their witnesses would never be acceptable; because they belong to the extreme Faasik.
Muslims have to be cautious and careful. It is Fard-Wajib for every Muslim to return from the concept of fundamentalism of the fundamentalist claimers and enter into the perfect Islam.
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