সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান

Stocking food stuff through syndicates is Haram

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Noor-e-Mujassam, Habeebulahh, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Declares, “The Dooms Day Disposal of the dishonest business people shall be alongwith the fasiq & fujjar (lesser degree of kaafirs).” Business people who are stocking food stuff like rice, edible oil, sugar etc. for raising the market prices through syndicates are included in the group of that dishonest lot. This act of theirs is totally haram according to Shariah for which they shall earn extreme displeasure of Allah Pak and hence shall be in Allah’s wrath. Therefore, the government should identify those, who, for making more profits, are stocking food stuff through syndicates causing price hikes in the market and ensure that tough measures are taken against them.

Prime Point of Allah’s attention, Imam and Mujtahid of the age, Imamul Aimmah, Qutubul A’alam, Awladur Rwasool, Habeebullah, Mamduh Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee of Rajarbagh Dorbar Shareef, Dhaka said, “Rice traders in the past had controlled the rice market allover the country through particular syndicates. Similar way, there have come up other syndicates for other food stuff like ata, edible oil, sugar, onion, garlic etc. and now, even fresh markets of fish and meat are also controlled by them through syndicates. Although certain steps have been taken by the government for a remedy but practically they are beyond control. For this, tough punishing measures should be adopted.”

Mujaddide A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “As per the normal market trends of our country, the usual commodity prices should have been much lower. In fact, it is not possible to control them through official measures but only through the spreading of Islamic values and its implementations.”

Mujaddide A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, ‘References are there in Hadis Shareef that Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Declared, “The sins of that tradesman is so high, one who holds food stuff in his stock for more than 40 days for the purpose of making more money that, even if on realization, he gives away all his stuff to the poor and needy ones, his sins will not yet be recompensed.” Noor-e-Mujassam, Habeebullah, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam further Dictates, “Allah Pak is Unhappy with that individual (merchant), who, for the sake of making more profits, stocks food items for a period of more than 40 days while that individual is unhappy about Allah as well!”

Mujaddide A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, ‘Further comes in Hadis Shareef, “One who buys food stuff from one market and by carrying them to another market, sells them there at the local market price, shall be awarded with the sawaab of distributing the whole stuff to the poor. Even narrations are there that, that tradesman gets the sawaab of freeing one slave!”

Mujaddide A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, ‘Hazrat A’alee RwadiAllahu Ta’ala Anhu Narrated, “One who, for the purpose of making more profits, stocks food stuff in the go-downs, his hearts get darker and blackened.” Once Hazrat A’alee RwadiAllahu Ta’ala was informed of a person stocking food stuff in which, He Commented, “Burn down his warehouses!”
Mujaddide A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Every businessman should maintain sanctity in his trades. There have been many narrations in Hadis Shareef about the benefits for an honest businessman. Noor-e-Mujassam, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Dictated that, “The Dooms Day Disposal of the truthful and honest business people shall take place along with Nabi, Siddiq and Shaheed Alaihimus Salam”. SubhanAllah!

Mujaddide A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, ‘At the same time, Hadis Shareef has references about the dishonest tradesmen that, “Dooms Day Disposal of the dishonest business people shall be alongwith the fasiq & fujjar (lesser degree of kaafirs).” Na’uzubillah! So everyone should do trades in an hionest and halal way. Stocking food stuff for raising the commodity prices is not only anti-Shariah but also reasons for damaging the Haqqul Ibaad.’

Mujaddide A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “In fact, those who stock food stuff for raising the commodity prices, will not only be liable for punishment for the above mentioned Hadis Shareef but also for damaging the Haqqul Ibaad. In this regard, Sayeedul Mursalin, Imamul Mursalin, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Dictated, “Who’s the poorest? The poorest is that person, one who shall rise on the Day of Judgment with mountain size virtues. People will think he is a sure jannati (heaven-goer). But then debtors would come up one after another whose rights he spoiled. His virtues would be used to pay back their debts. It will still not be finished. Then the vices of the debtors would be imposed on him. Few moments back, a confirmed heaven-goer now turns to be a jahannami (hell-dweller)!” This is the ‘poorest person’ as has been narrated in the Hadis Shareef.”

Mujaddide A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Enforcement of Laws alone is not enough to suppress this tendency of stocking. Human made laws are full of faults and so people easily bypass them. For that, it is required to place genuine allegiance to Allah Pak, the Creator and Master, remain faithful toward Allah Pak and achieve the qualities to be Allah-fearing and raise one’s values and conscience in this regard. For this, it is essential to accept Baiyaat (discipleship) from a Haqqani Rabbani (true, Allah fearing) Awlia-e-Kiram, take lessons from Him and gain the blessings and nearness of Him through Zikr-Askar and His company.”

Mujaddide A’azam Hazrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul A’alee says, “Virtually, owing to the domination of those derailed religion-monger ulamaye soo, such Islamic values and ethics are almost nil in the society today. Rather observing that the ulamaye soo are engaged in such unfair dealings, the adulterers and dishonest stock-makers have gone more desperate and active, resulting in awful syndicates, adulteries and corruptions throughout the country.”

Hadis Sahreef has references that, “One (individual merchant) who, for the sake making more profits, stocks food items for a period of more than 40 days, Allah Pak is Unhappy with him while that individual is also unhappy with Allah! According to Islamic Shariah, it is completely Haram and kabeera sin to stock food stuff. Thos e who are stocking food stuff like rice, dal, sugar, edible oil, onions, garlic etc. for more than 40 days with a view to making more profits shall earn the displeasure of Allah Pak and shall bein trouble and wraths from Allah. Therefore, the government should identify those, who, for making more profits, are stocking food stuff through syndicates causing price hikes in the market and adopt tough measures against them.”

Source: The Daily Al Ihsan, 2 January 2011


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

*Coca-cola is Haram for Muslim

Because Coca-Cola and Other Soft Drinks may Contain ALCOHOL. Read Details here:~~~~ COCA-COLA: THE REAL THINGS? The proportions in the accompanying recipe are based on the analyses of Coke quoted above and Merory's recipes. The amount of caffeine agrees with that stated in Coca-Cola's So you asked about soft drinks... pamphlet; this is about a third of the caffeine found in the trial analyses. The following recipe produces a gallon of syrup very similar to Coca-Cola's. Mix 2,400 grams of sugar with just enough water to dissolve (high-fructose corn syrup may be substituted for half the sugar). Add 36 grams of caramel, 3.1 grams of caffeine, and 11 grams of phosphoric acid. Extract the cocaine from 1.1 grams of coca leaf ( Truxillo growth of coca preferred) with toluol; discard the cocaine extract. Soak the coca leaves and kola nuts (both finely powdered; 0.37 gram of kola nuts) in 22 grams of 20 percent alcohol. California white wine fortified to 20 percent strengt...


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প্রচলিত তাবলীগ জামায়াতের ভ্রান্ত আক্বীদা ও তার খন্ডন মূলক দাঁতভাঙ্গা জবাব

সম্মানিত পাঠক! প্রচলিত ৬ উছূলভিত্তিক তাবলীগ জামায়াতের বাস্তবতা সম্পর্কে যদি সত্যিই জানতে আগ্রহী হন তবে দলিল ভিত্তিক এই প্রতিবেদনটি পড়ুন। ========================================================== ভ্রান্ত আক্বীদা (১)   প্রচলিত ৬ উছূলভিত্তিক তাবলীগ জামায়াতের লোকদের লিখিত কিতাবে এ কথা উল্লেখ আছে যে, মূর্খ হোক, আলিম হোক, ধনী হোক, দরিদ্র হোক, সকল পেশার সকল মুসলমানের জন্য তাবলীগ করা ফরজে আইন। (হযরতজীর মালফুজাত-৪, পৃষ্ঠা-৭, অনুবাদক- মাওলানা ছাখাওয়াত উল্লাহ; তাবলীগ গোটা উম্মতের গুরু দায়িত্ব, পৃষ্ঠা-৫৬, অনুবাদক- ইসমাঈল হোসেন; তাবলীগে ইসলাম, পৃষ্ঠা-৩, লেখক- মাওলানা আব্দুস সাত্তার ত্রিশালী; পস্তী কা ওয়াহিদ এলাজ, লেখক- মাওলানা এহ্‌তেশামুল হাসান কান্দলবী, পৃষ্ঠা-২২) ——————————————————————————— জবাব : তাদের উপরোক্ত বক্তব্যের প্রেক্ষিতে প্রশ্ন জাগে, তাবলীগ করা কি- ফরজে আইন নাকি ফরজে কিফায়া? কেননা- যে ইবাদত প্রত্যেকের জন্য আলাদাভাবে পালন করা ফরজ তা  ফরজে আইন । যেমন- নামাজ, রোজা, ইত্যাদি। আর যে ইবাদত সমষ্টিগতভাবে পালন করা ফরজ অর্থাৎ যে ফরজ কাজ দেশবাসী, শহরবাসী,এলাকাবাসী ব...